Q. What is the correct dilution of Dip’N Grow?

A. Every species/cultivar responds to hormone treatment in different ways. Ideally, every plant has an optimum hormone concentration range.(1) Because of the numerous species of plants, it would be impossible to determine a rooting hormone concentration curve for all plants. Some general guidelines for ratios are 1 in 5 for hard woods, 1 in 10…

Q. Where can I find the information I need?

A. Here are two excellent resources for propagating. a) The Reference Manual of Woody Plant Propagation For a complete review of this book and ordering information for the Reference Manual please click here. b) International Plant Propagation Society: Combined Proceedings. For more information contact:  The International Plant Propagators’ Society, Inc. Washington Park Arboretum, XD-10…

Q. What is the shelf life of Dip'N Grow?

A. If stored in its original container, Dip ‘N Grow is best used within 3 years of manufacture. Limiting exposure to sunlight and heat will help prolong the shelf life. Dip’N Grow has a tendency to darken over time without losing its effectiveness. Once diluted with water, Dip ‘N Grow should be used within a…